A brief Ákat lexicon
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Search results (6 results found)
Logograph | Word | Translation and comments |
nadabnaal nædæbnææl |
finish transitive action complete |
àgihxnaal jægiʒnææl |
mate with transitive action have sex with - generally excludes human sex acts |
éfop wefɑp |
creative mass object, using the paucal number the word is most often used in the paucal form, with the singular and plural forms used as emphasis on the relative level of creativity |
ỳtas jatæs |
metal mass object, using the unnumbered number specifically, non-ferric metals |
àfus jæfʊs |
young animal countable object cub, puppy, foal, chick, kitten, etc; any bird or animal between weaning and breeding ages. |
èisuf jeisʊf |
response mass object, using the paucal number complete answer; comprehensive answer |